Registrar Forms

Complete the following forms and return to If an advisor signature is required, complete the fillable form and email it to from your Capital email address. If you have any questions regarding any of the forms email or call 614-236-6150.

Add/Drop Form

Complete the Add/Drop Form – Change of Registration, if you need to make adjustments to your schedule. Separate forms are needed for each term. Once completed email the completed form to for advisor approval. If you have any further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at or 614-236-6150.

Audit Request

Complete the Audit Request form (PDF) if you would like to audit a course at Capital University. (Note: Audited courses are recorded on a student's transcript as an "H" and has 0 credits awarded.) If you have further questions, please contact

Authorization to Release Education Record Information

Students may grant their parents (or other individuals) permission to access their educational records by granting proxy. Students are able to have multiple proxy users and have the option to give complete or limited access. Proxy access may include account activity, account summary, statements, balances, make payments, tax information, grades and general information. Please be aware that Capital employees are not permitted to grant proxy access to student records. Only the students can grant proxy access to their individual record information.

To set up a student proxy user, the student should:

  1. Login to your myCap self-service portal at
  2. Once on myCap, on left hand side, click on User Options drop down arrow.
  3. Click on Student View/Add Proxy Access, follow the prompts and enter the persons email address for which you wish to grant proxy access.
  4. New student proxy users will receive an email with instructions and the link that will be used by proxy users to access information on the student’s behalf. Please note, the link provided for the proxy users is different than the link used by students.

Important: To authorize release of student education record information for other purposes, please complete the Authorization to Release Education Record Information form.

Change of Major / Minor / Advisor

Complete the Change of Program / Major / Minor / Advisor form (PDF) whenever you are changing programs, majors, minors, and/or advisors. All appropriate signatures must be obtained before submitting form. If you have further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at

Change of Name / Address / Contact Info

Complete the Change of Name/Address/Contact Info form (PDF) if you need to change your name, address, phone, email address. Documentation is required along with a name change. If you have further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at

Course by Contract / Individual Study Request

Complete the Course by Contract/Individual Study Request form (PDF) if you want to enroll in a regularly offered course not being offered and is taught on an individual basis.

Diploma Replacement Request

Complete the Diploma Replacement Request form (PDF) if you would like to purchase an additional copy of your Capital University diploma. You can pay with a credit card here. Please contact

Disclosure of Directory Information

You have the right to withhold the disclosure of the "Directory Information." Complete the Disclosure of Directory Information form (PDF) and sign in the appropriate place, depending on your choice. If you have further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at

Exception to Academic Policy

Complete the Exception to Academic Policy request (PDF) to petition the Provost’s Office for an exception to the academic policy.  All appropriate signatures must be obtained before submitting form.

Leave of Absence and Withdrawal

Complete the Leave of Absence and Withdrawal form (PDF) for students when you wish to go on hiatus for a semester or withdrawal from Capital University. All appropriate signatures must be obtained before submitting form.

Non-Degree Application for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Students wishing to enter the non-degree program at Capital University, including Capital's adult and graduate programs, should complete the Undergraduate and Graduate Non-Degree Application form.

Pass / Fail Option

Complete the Pass/Fail Option form (PDF) if you wish to take a course as a Pass/Fail. Please read the form thoroughly, to make sure you are eligible to use this option. There are deadlines set for this option each term. If you have further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at

Readmission as a Degree Candidate

Complete the Application for Readmission as a Degree Candidate form (PDF) when you wish to return to Capital University and have not been on official hiatus. If you have further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at

Signature Learning Waiver by Course Completion

Use the Signature Learning Waiver by Course Completion form (PDF) if you wish to petition for the substitution of university-level course work from other institutions for Capital University UC classes. Attach all pertinent information to the completed form (syllabi, course description and evidence of completion) and forward it to Petitions involving non-academic experiences must be submitted to UCAP.

Student Verification Request Form

Complete the Student Verification Request form (PDF) to verify enrollment for insurance agencies etc.

Summer Institute of Science and Mathematics Application

Students wishing to enter the Summer Institute at Capital University should complete the Summer Institute of Science and Mathematics Application.

Transcript Request

Complete the Transcript Request Process if you would like to request an official transcript from Capital University. More information is available on the form and on our web page How to Request a Transcript. If you have further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at (Note: Do not e-mail your transcript request. Your signature is needed in order to process your request.)

Transient Student Application

Complete the Transient Student Application form (PDF) when you take a course away from Capital University. If you have further questions, contact the Office of the Registrar at